Live-Work Rock Island Program
The Live-Work Rock Island Program is for individuals or families wishing to buy a home anywhere within the city limits of Rock Island. Economic GROWTH Corporation's program provides up to 5% of the home’s purchase price for down payment assistance and up to $1,500 towards closing costs. Additionally, if the home needs some light rehab, GROWTH'S Home Inspection Response can provide a portion of the downpayment assistance as a way of addressing some of those life and safety concerns.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Homebuyer must be an employee of an eligible DARI member company
- Homebuyer must contribute a minimum $1,000 to the transaction
- Homebuyer can earn up to 120% of the area median income
Housing Rehabilitation Program
The City of Rock Island Housing Rehabilitation Program is designed to provide financial assistance to homeowners with housing rehabilitation needs. The assistance is provided in the form of a grant to income qualified homeowners residing within the limits of the City of Rock Island. Approved rehabilitation activities are at the sole discretion of the City of Rock Island but designed to bring owner-occupied homes into compliance with property standards as specified in the City’s Building Codes and Ordinances.
These items may include, but does not guarantee, any of the following:
- Repair or replacement of principal fixtures and components
- Water and energy efficiency improvements
- Repair or replacement of connection of residential water or local sewer lines
- Improvements to remedy barriers that restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly or disabled persons
- Common exterior items that qualify under this program are roofs, entryways, stairs, and porch repairs.
- Common interior items that qualify under this program include stairways, plumbing, electrical panels, and mechanical equipment.
- Items that are not addressed by this program include pest control, general cleaning, and painting.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicant must live in and own the property they are applying for
- Applicant must have owned the property for at least six months prior to the time of application
- Total household income (gross) must be below the 80% AMI HUD income guidelines
- Property taxes must be current
- Utility bills due to the City of Rock Island cannot be delinquent
- Property must have homeowners insurance
- Applicant must be a legal US citizen or resident.
Contact the City of Rock Island Housing & Loan Program Officer at (309) 732-2907 to be placed on the waiting list or click here for more information!

H.O.M.E. Program
The Rock Island H.O.M.E. (Home Ownership Made Easy) Program offers an exciting opportunity for anyone looking to build a new home on existing neighborhood infill sites owned by the City of Rock Island. The goal of the program is to make the home building process as smooth and simple as possible.
- Lots available for $5
- Real estate closing costs paid by City (owner-occupied properties only)
- Building permit applications shall be applied with the permit fees being waived (owner-occupied properties only)
- No income restrictions and the Program is not restricted to first time homebuyers
- Participants qualify for the Rock Island New Construction Property Tax Incentive Program (owner-occupied only)
- H.O.M.E. Buyers must secure financing
- H.O.M.E Buyers must build within 6 months
- H.O.M.E Buyers must live in the home for a minimum of 5 years
For more information, Steps and to access the Application click here!
New Construction Tax Program
The New Housing Construction Property Tax Rebate Program is a financial incentive from the City of Rock Island to buyers of newly constructed single-family homes or condominiums. This is a reimbursement program with funds paid to the homeowner after the annual property taxes are paid in full.
To qualify, you must be the first owner occupant of the home (the reimbursement is not transferable) and your home must be:
- An owner-occupied, single-family home or condominium
- Issued a Certificate of Occupancy between 2020 - 2025
- New construction located in the City of Rock Island on any undeveloped lot
The city-wide program allows the home owner to receive $2,000.00 per year with a maximum reimbursement of $10,000.00 over a ten year period. Apply Now or call (309) 732-2904 for more information!

Project NOW
Project NOW offers a variety of housing programs to the residents of Rock Island including:
- Coordinated Entry Program for a person or family in a housing crisis
- Over 90 units of Affordable Housing Rentals
- Assistance with Rent and Deposit Payments
- Homeless Services and Transitional Housing
- Weatherization to keep your home energy efficient
For more information and a list of all Programs click here or call (309) 793-6391
Healthy Homes Lead Program
Lead poisoning is a leading environmental illness of children and is caused primarily by lead-based paint in older homes. The most common exposure to lead for children is through the ingestion of paint chips and contaminated dust from deteriorated or disturbed lead-based paint in homes built before 1978. We can help make repairs to your home to make it lead (base paint) safe for your family.
To qualify for assistance, the following criteria must be met:
- Home or apartment located within the city limits of Rock Island
- Total household income (gross) must be below the 80% AMI HUD income guidelines.
- Have a child less than 6 years old who resides in the home or visits the home on a regular basis (more than 60 hours per year) or a pregnant female living in the home
- Home or apartment built prior to 1978
- Property taxes on the home must be current
- Property/parcel must be free from derogatory liens and judgments
Downpayment Plus Program
Through the Downpayment Plus Program, Rock Island homebuyers may be eligible for up to $6,000 in downpayment and closing costs towards the purchase of their home. The assistance is provided in the form of a forgivable grant. Economic GROWTH Corporation can provide you with a complete list of participating lenders.
- Participants must work with a participating lender
- Total household income (gross) must be at or below the 80% AMI HUD income guidelines
- Participants must complete GROWTH'S Homebuyer and Financial Literacy Program and receive a signed certificate
Contact GROWTH at (309) 788-6311 to learn more!
Home Accessibility Program
Currently, we have a higher volume of applicants than funds available for the Home Accessibility Program. 12/2024
The Home Accessibility Program provides grants to income qualified seniors and disabled residents in order to make homes safer and more accessible. This, in turn, helps prevent unnecessary and premature nursing home placement while allowing individuals to age at home.
Grant funds can assist with home modifications and repairs, including the addition of walk-in showers, installation of wheelchair ramps, fixing leaky roofs, remodeling hallways, flooring for wheelchair access, and more.
The Home Accessibility Program is offered by Economic GROWTH Corporation. Apply Now and call (309) 788-6311 to schedule an appointment with GROWTH's housing staff. They will meet with you individually to review the program guidelines and your individual needs. For more information, visit GROWTH's website.
Single Family Rehabilitation Program
Currently, we have a higher volume of applicants than funds available for the Single Family Rehabilitation Program. 12/2024
The Single Family Rehabilitation Program provides funds to assist eligible homeowners with critical home repairs and provides an opportunity to get your home up to standards.
- Total household income (gross) must be below the 80% AMI HUD income guidelines
- The house must have health and safety issues
- If the house was built pre-1978, lead requirements must be addressed
The Single Family Rehabilitation Program is offered by Economic GROWTH Corporation.
Homebuyer Education Services

HUD-approved Counseling Services
- Homebuyer Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance
- Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance Programs
- Financial Education & Financial Literacy Counseling
- Foreclosure Prevention
GROWTH’s housing counseling services are free and can be scheduled anytime with one of their HUD certified housing counselors.
Class topics
- Analyzing your Budget
- Understanding your Credit
- Assistance Programs
- Obtaining a Mortgage
- Home Shopping
- Finding Insurance
- The Closing
- Life as a Homeowner
Post Purchase Counseling
Along with the many advantages of homeownership, there are also many responsibilities. Counselors help clients understand those responsibilities and avoid things that pose a risk to ensure long-term success. Topics covered include:
- Maintaining, repairing and improving your home
- Refinancing
- How homeowners can get into trouble
- Avoiding financial traps
- Avoiding foreclosure
Classes will be held a combination of in-person and online. Online participants will need an email address and an internet connection to watch the webinar and ask questions. Call GROWTH at (309) 788-6311to get on the schedule.